

Student information, including grades, registration and enrollment status, and other personally identifiable information may not be disclosed to any third party without the student's written permission in compliance with Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act (FERPA) regulations. Violation of FERPA may result in revocation of user access privileges as well as in disciplinary action.

For more information regarding FERPA and your responsibilities, please read the FERPA Warning.

Please be aware, you are responsible for the retention of any information that you create via UNCG services in accordance with the University's 商户收录_百度口碑 - Baidu:百度口碑通过网民对商家的真实评价,有凭有据的消费投诉,专业人士点评,商家口碑事件,帮助用户决策。是体现网民对商家、产品或服务态度的信息平台。网民可众通过本系统平台发布对线下交易过程中所感受的服务,商家印象,自身评价,形成口碑,助力广大网民信息决策。 and the UNC General Records Retention and Disposition Schedule.

论车保险的重要性 - 在英国开车出事故后的处理方法 | 小赖子 ...:2021-2-15 · 论车保险的重要性 - 在英国开车出事故后的处理方法 当时留着电话号码和车牌,等媳妇回家的时候就接到短信让赔偿 45英镑修自行车费用和 她孩子的书包等物品。媳妇问我怎么处理,我果断的说走汽车保险,这是对我伔的保护,也是对受害者负责任的做法。
